Monday, September 17, 2007

Blog Entry NO. 3

I imagine in ten years from now that I'm going to be a big stand up comedian. I won’t really be that rich but pretty high up there in the world. I'll hopefully be living in Boston Massachusetts. Right by the beach so went I'm on tour. I'll be with my same girlfriend still except we'll be married with a kid on the way. I had accomplished to me it to TV. and being one of the most well known comedians in my time. We are not in any wars. There will be no more baseball, it go to boring and not enough people played it to keep the major leagues going. Football and soccer are the biggest sports in the entire world. And the NFL turned into the WFL (World Football League), The Bears is the name of the team that represents the U.S.A. Our President will be Lovie Smith. and there will of course be only electric powered cars. My friends will e living in my condo guest house. Because they are comedians on my tours also. All McDonalds will be destroyed because they are way to unhealthy for everyone. All houses will be atleast 2 stories high because the one story houses were to small. There will be no more baseball, it go to boring and not enough people played it to keep the major leagues going. Football and soccer are the biggest sports in the entire country. And the NFL turned into the WFL (World Football League), The Bears is the name of the team that represents the U.S.A. That’s what I think it will be like in ten years.

1 comment:

Mrs. Hart said...

would you mind if I use this in my class? I was looking for good visions for 10 years from now and I wanted to use yours. May I?
